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Birthday celebration of Padmabhusan Manna Dey
The 88th birthday of Padmabhusan Manna Dey was celebrated on the 1st May, 2007 at Mahajati Sadan. The celebration was organised by Manna Dey Sangeet Academy in the name of Mrittika.
A large number of dignitaries from all around the world felicited the Great musical Maestro Sri Manna Dey. He was also accompanied by his wife Sm. Sulochona Dey.
The master charmed the packed auditorium with his gossips, chats and melody for three and a half hour.
Eminent persons like Music Director Abhijit Bandyopadhyay, Provas Dey, Mrinal Bandyopadhyay, Ajoy Das, Suparno Kanti Ghosh, Adhir Bagchi, Ashima Mukherjee, eminent singers like Haimonti Shukla, Swagata Lakhmi Dasgupta, Indrani Sen offered their bouquet of love to the living legend. Wife of departed lyricists Pulak Bandyopadhyay - Sm. Keka Bandyopadhyay and the wife of departed music director Sudhin Dasgupta - Sm. Manju Dasgupta, MD of Anada Publishers Sri Subir Mitra, lyricist Sri Miltu Ghosh, Mr. S.F. Karim of HMV Sa Re Ga Ma were also present in the program and grace the occasion.