News on Padmabhusan Manna Dey is continuously updated. You have the scope to enrich the news item. If you send any information or news on him, this may be incorporated subject to approval of the screening committee.
Birthday Celebration of Padmabhusan Manna Dey
To All
It is our immense pleasure to inform you all that we are going to conduct a cultural program to celebrate the Glorious birthday of Padmabhusan Manna Dey on 1st May, 2007 at Mahajati Sadan, Kolkata from 9 A.M. onwards in the name of “Mrittika”.
The fund that will be generated by this program will be spent for further development of the Manna Dey Sangeet Academy Archive.
On this occasion we are going to publish a souvenir in which different articles will be contributed by distinguished personnel from the music and other fields.
We are also going to launch a bi-annual magazine on the same day that will be enriched by different information and meaningful writings by eminent personalities, related to Padmabhusan Manna Dey and his music domain.
Interested persons may send their articles in Bengali / English by post to our registered office. Those will be published in the souvenir and/or the magazine, if selected.
We earnestly request your kind patronage by providing sponsorship or insertion of advertisement in the pages of the souvenir / magazine.
                                                       Manna Dey Sangeet Academy