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Function at Rabindra Sadan on 21/2/2007
On 21st February evening the maestro appeared at Rabindra Sadan, Koklkata. Â In the packed auditorium he began with ‘Ki Dekhle Tumi Aamate’. He was not feeling comfortable with the higher notes at the beginning. However soon he managed the problem and the packed auditorium witnessed the ‘ever young’ Padmabhusan Manna Dey enchanting them as usual. From all time favourite ‘Coffee Houser Sei Addata’ to ‘Pousher Kachha Kachhi’, ‘Jadi Himalay Alpser’ to not usually sang ‘Aami Niralay Bose’ or ‘Je Kadin Aakash Jude Dal Bendhe Jay Haas ’ (from the film Pranta Rekha) he was charming, as usual. As it was ‘International Mother Tongue Day’, he chiefly sang Bengali songs. But ‘Zindegi Kaisi Ye Paheli’ , ‘Aayo Kahan Se Ghanshyam’ or ‘Sajni, Nathli Se Tuta Moti Re’ were also there. The auditorium break out in laughter with his utterance ‘Tumio zaba na, Aamio zaba na, in the song ‘Na na Na Aaj Raate Aar Jatra Shunte Jabo Na. It was indeed a very very enchanting function!!!